Jodelle Ferland Real Phone Number

A lot of fans wish to know the real phone number of Jodelle Ferland. We have some great news for all Jodelle Ferland fans. His actual cell phone number was leaked, and we got it. So, we’re going to help you contact him today.

Jodelle Ferland 2023

Jodelle Ferland Real Phone Number

NAME: Jodelle Ferland
PROFESSION: Movie Actress
AGE: 28 years old
BIRTHDAY: October 9, 1994
BIRTHPLACE: Nanaimo, Canada

Who is Jodelle Ferland?

Jodelle Ferland is a 28 years old famous movie actress. He was born in Nanaimo, Canada on October 9, 1994. She played the role Bree Tanner in the Twilight Saga and appeared in Case 39. In 2006, she received widespread attention for her performance in the horror film Silent Hill. She was later cast in the television series Dark Matter.

Her parents are Valerie and Marc Ferland. Her sister, Marisha, is an actor and her brother, Jeremy, is a musician.

She provided voices for characters in the videogame BioShock 2.

Jodelle Ferland ranks 9664th in the CelebrityPhoneNumbers ranking that puts together the most desired mobile phone numbers. She’s one of the most famous movie actresss at the age of 28, with millions of fans worldwide.


What is Jodelle Ferland’s real phone number?

Obviously it’s not easy to get Jodelle Ferland’s cell phone number. Our team has got a lot of followers requiring the actual telephone number of Jodelle Ferland. Our team is made up of journalists with many years of experience and an extensive network of contacts.

Our team is made up of reporters with several years of experience and a significant network of contacts. We get the majority of the numbers due to the fact that we have connections amongst celebrity agents. We ensure that our website includes only real and validated information.

Another ways to get in contact with Jodelle Ferland


Instagram is one of the most effective methods to get in touch with Jodelle Ferland given that she truly manages her account. You can comment on her photos as you never know when she is going to respond to you.

Also, put a tag with the celeb’s name on the pictures you upload, or utilize the same tags that Jodelle Ferland uses. She takes time to respond to her followers on Instagram although she’s a really busy person and, we truly appreciate him for doing that.


You can get in touch with Jodelle Ferland via Twitter. To do this you must compose a tweet in which you include the name of her account, preceded by the @ sign. Also, utilize the hashtags that Jodelle Ferland utilizes regularly. In this way, there will be a greater chance that she will read what you publish. She spends time on Twitter talking with her followers in spite of she is a very busy person.


You can like her page on Facebook. After doing so, you can comment on her Facebook timeline and also send him private messages.

In many cases, celebrities disable private messages through this platform, however many times, by publishing on her wall, you will be able to interact with him. If it is possible to send him a private message, do so by making a friendly and polite request to contact him.

Most helpful user reviews

I’ve always dreamed of talking to Jodelle Ferland. I’ve been looking for her number on the internet for a long period of time and lastly found it on your website. All other pages contained false info.

Patty Hancock

I was skeptical about this at first, however later on I realized the number was actually working. I was shocked! Thank you!

Anthony George

I am the biggest fan of Jodelle Ferland, but I have never spoken to him. Now I had the possibility to do it. I spoke with him on the phone for nearly 30 minutes. Dreams come to life!

Kathy Swann

This is unbelievable. You simply need to install an application, and you obtain the number of the celebrity you desire.

Mason Williamson

Oh, my goddess! Thank you a lot for enabling me to get the phone number of Jodelle Ferland. I got lots of advice from him when we spoke about how to overcome my little fears when performing. Thank you so much! I appreciate it very much.

Ruby Rocheleau